Yellow Breeches/Mountain Creek. 10/05/24
I was waiting for Frank to show up at Mt. Holly Precision for a full day on the water. He wanted to fine tune his fly fishing skills and learn more. We set off at 8AM and fished until 3:30Pm. It was a beautiful fall day. Started around 55 degrees and warmed to 74 degrees under sunny skies. Both streams were clear to tinted and 57 degrees. I set my rod up with nymphs, which was not needed because we had fish on the rise all day. There was tan caddis midges and BWO’s hatching all day. Then around 9:30AM, my phone blew up and it was my son. I never answer or use my phone why guiding. However, Fisher was so excited he shot a deer on opening day of archery. I tried the Allenberry section, but It looked liked opening day of trout season. We both did not want that so I went elsewhere and we pretty much had the stream to ourselves. I did work on how he set up his approach and how to read water. I did not even add a dropper. I can’t count how many Frank missed lost and landed. It was a great day with a cool guy.