Yellow Breeches/Mountain Creek, 07/11/24
Jeff rolled into Precision well before 8AM so we had a great conversation. He booked a full day wanting to learn many areas to fish since he visits his kids from NC. He wanted to know about other streams so I told him lets split the day and do Falling Springs and the “Jig” in late September. Man, Jeff was “All In” for that. So we set off before 8AM and finished just past noon. I showed him several different sections on the Yellow Breeches & Mountain Creek. The waters on both were clear. There were some tan and gray caddis hatching on both streams. We started on the Breeches and it was 64 to 58 degrees on the sections we were on. Mountain creek at noon was 67 degree but that was a look and see trip. It was to get sunny, but the clouds held in and it only got to a humid 77 degrees. In the few spots we fished, Jeff hooked 8 wild browns. Since it was a quick jaunt, we just fished dries only on this little stream tour. It was a great morning with a fun guy.