Carpin' on the fly, 09/02/24
So what do two guides do on a day off? Well, fish of coarse. Fisher has found the passion of carp on the fly rod. I have had them hooked, but fell short each time. So we set out for some carp. It was a beautiful, sunny and 70 degree day, but windy. We found some carp “mudding” and in within 30 minutes my luck with carp was still a zero. Fisher started to run down with the net, but once again lost. Fisher had to leave but showed me a grove he would fish. I did so and finally not one but two in the net. May I can say now, I know why Fisher his hooked into these fish.
As for trout, the Fall is booking fast for both my private and all other public waters. I have some openings left in September and a few left in October. It is a short but fantastic window to be on the trout streams.